Install extension using composer

A guide to help you install FreeAgent Integration extension for Magento 2 using composer.

Please note, if the extension was purchased from Magento Marketplace, referrer to commerce marketplace composer installation.

We use Composer to manage components and their dependencies. Our composer packages are hosted by Private Packagist, which is fast, reliable and secure composer repository for PHP packages.

Installation Steps

After you purchase the extension, a private repository will be created, and you’ll be provided with repository details and authentication token to access it.

Composer Information

Add your private repository to the composer.json and setup authentication to access the required packages.

Add using composer config command:

composer config repositories.private-packagist composer

Or manually edit the composer.json file. Add the following custom repository to your project’s composer.json:

    "repositories": [
        {"type": "composer", "url": ""}
Replace composer URL parameter: "repository-name" with the actual repository name provided.

Setup Authentication

Setup authentication in the following three ways:

  1. Store the authentication credentials in your global Composer auth.json with the command below.

composer config --global --auth token you-access-token

  1. Store the authentication credentials using the environment variable:

COMPOSER_AUTH='{"http-basic": {"": {"username": "token", "password": "you-access-token"}}}'

  1. Interactively during composer command. Composer will automatically prompt you to enter authentication credentials once you run a Composer command that tries to access Private Packagist if no authentication is configured. This will then store the credentials in your global Composer auth.json.
Authentication required (
Username: your-repository-name
Password: you-access-token
Replace "your-repository-name" with the actual repository name provided.
Replace "you-access-token" with the actual access token provided.

Install Extension Filesystem

Magento CE | EE | ECE:

composer require softcommerce/magento2-freeagent-integration

The above command will install the extension compatible with the latest Magento release.

To install extension compatible with specific Magento version, append appropriate version constraint. For example:

composer require softcommerce/magento2-freeagent-integration ~1.1.0

Referrer to Magento Version Compatibility for a list of compatible Magento versions.

Post Installation

In production mode:

bin/magento maintenance:enable
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento deploy:mode:set production
bin/magento maintenance:disable

In development mode:

bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento setup:di:compile

Configure You Connector

Get started with system configuration

Magento Version Compatibility
Install extension using commerce marketplace composer