System configuration

General System Configuration

Configuration Steps:

Developer Settings

Enable log rotation

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to SoftCommerce > Configuration > Core Settings.
  2. In the left panel, expand SoftCommerce and choose Core Configuration if it’s not opened.
  3. Expand the Developer Settings section and choose to set Enable log rotation to Yes/No.
Enable log rotation
  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to SoftCommerce > Configuration > Core Settings.
  2. Expand the Developer Settings section and choose to set Print data to array to Yes/No.
Print log data to array

Enable logging to Email

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to SoftCommerce > Configuration > Core Settings.
  2. Expand the Developer Settings section and do the following:
  • Set Enable logging to Email to Yes.
  • Enter email address for Email Recipient.
  • Select appropriate Log Email Sender.
  • Select applicable Log Email Template.
Enable logging to Email

UI Settings

Enable Font Awesome Icons

  1. On the Admin sidebar, go to SoftCommerce > Configuration > Core Settings.
  2. In the left panel, expand SoftCommerce and choose Core Configuration if it’s not opened yet.
  3. Expand the UI Settings section and do the following:
  • Set Enable Font Awesome Icons to Yes.
  • Enter Fontawesome host URL if you prefer to use custom instead of default css source.
FontAwesome Config
Default source:

Install extension using commerce marketplace composer
Profile system configuration